Friday 17 April 2009

World Heritage City #1

Bath breathes fine air,
Cocaine rugby player caught.
Pay to get into the abbey and
Discover section with Jamaican guitarist.

Prose #3

Once, when I was dealing with a young woman in Brixton, I came to the conclusion that these days were numbered, there were the 1s, these were slow- winders, nothing to do, plenty to worry about. There were 2s, these moved, but barely, sometimes they would bend into a 3, 3s were quick and jaunty, they were the days to exist within. Finally, there were the 4s, the 4s were Jemel days – she was the nights.

Jemel was probably born with an olive in her mouth, the olive oil flowing out from there as she grew older, she was 46 now and the oil was still moving throughout her. She fried onions in her sweat because it was a worthy substitute for Extra Virgin.